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Posts tagged 2020
Fixed Rate vs. Variable Rate: What One Should I Choose?

75% of Canadians choose fixed-rate vs variable-rate mortgages because they want the "peace of mind" of paying the same every month and the rate not changing on them...but do they have the full picture? And what is best for you?

Most home buyers are unaware of the advantages when choosing a variable rate and have some misconceptions based on its name. Based on the past decade and a half, variable rates have been slightly lower than fixed rates, aside from 2007 and 2019. This may sound like a no brainer for a lower rate, but before you start leaning to one side instead of the other, let’s take a step back and understand what a fixed and variable rate means and the pros and cons of each. To conclude I’ll provide case studies on how to leverage a fixed and/or variable rate so you can determine which one is right for you.

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How Collateral Mortgages Help You Access Cash Without Breakage Penalties

A collateral mortgage is a type of mortgage product that is “re-advanceable,” which means the lender can loan you more funds as the value of your home increases without the need to refinance your home loan. In this case, your lender would register your property with a collateral charge, often for a higher amount compared to the loan amount required.

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Best COVID-19 Government Programs & Cashflow Strategies for Self-Employed People

As the COVID-19 global battle ensues, there have been decisive action by the Canadian government to give small businesses and workers the best chance of weathering the storm. We have compiled a live list of government grants and cash flow strategies that we believe are worth consideration for your small business so that you can continue to save for a mortgage down payment or make current payments on time.

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How COVID 19 Has Given Borrowers a Temporary Advantage When Financing a Property

As COVID-19 escalates dramatically in the second week of March 2020, several changes in the mortgage world directly start to affect homebuyers in both advantageous and potentially detrimental ways.

In the webinar above, Paul Davidescu speaks to the record low mortgage rates and how they are starting to trend upwards as lenders put in extra precautions and some even close their doors. We also cover the new-new stress test which replaces the one announced last month, and finally, we cover what else you can do as a current homeowner or renter to thrive in times of uncertainty.

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The Coronavirus and Mortgage Rates: Is Now the Perfect Time to Buy?

The silver lining of the Coronavirus pandemic is that those who are in the market for a new home or investment property may be in for some big savings. Along with the outbreak of COVID-19, we’ve also seen mortgage rates drop to as low as two percent— which means now could be the perfect time to refinance or purchase a new home. If you’re curious how and why the Coronavirus is affecting the real estate market, and what this could mean for you, read on.

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