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Posts tagged Mortgage Tips
How COVID 19 Has Given Borrowers a Temporary Advantage When Financing a Property

As COVID-19 escalates dramatically in the second week of March 2020, several changes in the mortgage world directly start to affect homebuyers in both advantageous and potentially detrimental ways.

In the webinar above, Paul Davidescu speaks to the record low mortgage rates and how they are starting to trend upwards as lenders put in extra precautions and some even close their doors. We also cover the new-new stress test which replaces the one announced last month, and finally, we cover what else you can do as a current homeowner or renter to thrive in times of uncertainty.

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5 Lessons You Can Learn From Bianca Andreescu—Canada’s Tennis Star, About Getting The Mortgage You Want

Self-employed Canadians are finding it increasingly difficult to qualify for their ideal mortgage, as stress tests (which qualify you for a mortgage loan) and financing tighten up. But that doesn’t stop entrepreneurs like you who are competitive and persistent. Instead of giving up or taking no for an answer, you find inspiration and seek answers by looking to other people's wins and how they got ahead.

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Three Things Self Employed People Can't Afford To Forget When Mortgage Planning

With the stress and hard work of being Self-employed, people often forget to plan for the foundations of setting themselves up for their future mortgage.

Additionally, Self-employed Canadians are finding it increasingly difficult to qualify for their ideal mortgage as stress tests and financing get tougher. It’s hard to balance out saving taxes with reduced income declarations and the realities of stress tests. 

Here are three foundational things to not forget to do before you’re ready to actively find a mortgage that’s best for you.

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