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Posts in Investors
The Advantages of Investing in Commercial Mortgages

Commercial mortgages are a type of loan that financial institutions offer businesses to buy or refinance commercial properties.As an investor, investing in commercial mortgages without having to actually buy the property has several advantages if you are looking for alternatives to the stock market. Like an exchange-traded fund (ETF), your capital (usually a minimum of $5000) is pooled with other investors money to loan privately to commercial home buyers.

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Canadian Foreign and Local Housing Taxes You Can't Afford to Ignore

If you are a foreign investor or homeowner you’ll want to be acutely aware that Canada has many housing taxes that have been introduced throughout the recent years. While most provinces will have similar approaches, **below is how Ontario and British Columbia** set the various taxes that apply when you just buy a home and on a yearly basis for both locals and foreigners.

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